Friday, January 29, 2016

How Mitochondrial Sequencing works

Mitochondrial DNA sequencing is a useful tool for researchers studying human diseases such as diabetes, certain cancers, and mechanisms of aging. Mitochondrial DNA sequencing is also used in population genetics and biodiversity assessments. Targeted mitochondrial DNA sequencing can be used to detect mutations present in some copies of the mitochondrial genome (heteroplasmic mutations). Finally, mitochondrial DNA sequencing is important for human identification and forensics applications.
Rapid resequencing of mitochondrial genomes for disease research and biodiversity assessment is accomplished using Ion Torren next-generation sequencing.
Mitochodrial sequencing using Ion Torrent™ next-generation sequencing enables:
  • Capacity of 16 samples per run with barcoding
  • Accurate variant calling, especially in hypervariable regions of mitochondria
Highly targeted mitochondrial DNA sequencing is performed by gold-standard Sanger sequencing, using Applied Biosystems genetic analyzers. The simple workflow can be performed in less than 5 hours using the Applied Biosystems 3500 Genetic Analyzer.