Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What is EpiMark Methylated DNA Enrichment Kit

The EpiMark® Methylated DNA Enrichment Kit enables the enrichment of double-stranded CpG methylated DNA based on CpG methylation density. It utilizes the methyl-CpG binding domain of human MBD2a protein as a capture agent. The protein is fused to the Fc tail of human IgG1 (MBD2a-Fc), which is coupled to Protein A Magnetic Beads (MBD2a-Fc/Protein A Bead). This stable complex will selectively bind double-stranded methylated CpG containing DNA. The high binding affinity of the beads coupled with optimized reagents increases sensitivity and accuracy. This kit contains all the individual components necessary to achieve enrichment in less than two hours using a four step process.