Thursday, March 10, 2016

What is Benefits of DNA fingerprinting

Benefits in Paternity Tests

The sections of DNA used in DNA fingerprinting (as with all DNA) are passed down from parents to children. By comparing large numbers of these DNA microsatellites it is possible to establish with a high degree of certainty the paternity, maternity or both of a child.In some cases men or women need to gain peace of mind regarding their relationship to a child. A mother may have had sexual encounters with more than one man and does not know which one is the parent of her child. In other cases men may suspect the child is not his so may use DNA profiling as a way of being completely sure. Adopted children may want to know who their biological parents are. DNA testing may allow them to advance in this regard.

Also, DNA profiling could assist mothers seeking payment of alimony by a father who refuses to pay it saying he is not the child’s father. Or some people may use DNA fingerprinting to establish a link to grandparents to collect an inheritance or to claim social security benefits.

Benefits in Agriculture and Other Areas

Although this technology is mainly used in forensics and paternity tests, there are many other areas where it is being successfully applied.
In agriculture DNA fingerprinting is increasingly being used for variety identification--that is, to know if a seed is really from the variety being claimed. Also, genetic profiling is utilized to detect. More specifically, markers have been used for characterization and determination of genetic diversity of tea to find genetic relatedness. Interestingly, and with the advent of herbal preparations and alternative medicine, DNA fingerprinting of herbal preparations could be useful in herbal origin authentication, and for the various claims of medical uses related to some of these plants.