Friday, May 6, 2016

How Are They Made Recombinant Proteins?

After choosing an appropriate vector and host that will satisfy the requirements of your experiment, you need to go through the following steps to create your recombinant protein.

Recombinant Proteins - Some Common Applications
As mentioned earlier, this technology has far reaching applications. Here are some of them.
  • Medicine. Recombinant proteins are used to produce insulin, human growth hormone (HCH, somatotropin), blood clotting factor VIII (usually administered to patients with hemophilia) and hepatitis B vaccine. In addition, this technology is also responsible for developing the methods for diagnosing HIV infections.
  • Biological research. Recombinant DNA can be used in mapping genes and as reagents in laboratory experiments.
  • Agriculture. The technology was used to develop Golden rice, a variety of rice that aims to reduce vitamin A deficiency. It was also used to develop insect-resistant and herbicide-resistant crops.
  • Food processing. Several food additives such as chymosin, an enzyme used in the manufacture of cheese, are now being produced using this technology.