Friday, June 10, 2016

So why PathoGenetix Announces $10 Million Series C Financing

The GSS technology confirms and identifies microbial DNA in either complex mixtures or isolates, and provides actionable information in five hours. The funding will be used to further develop the first commercial system using the GSS technology, the RESOLUTION™ Microbial Genotyping System. The fully automated RESOLUTION System includes the instrument, bioinformatics software and database, and pathogen-specific assays, and will be commercially available in 2014 for use in food safety testing and foodborne illness outbreak investigations.
“This commitment from our investors reflects the outstanding progress we have made toward commercialization of the GSS technology," said Ann Merrifield, President and CEO of PathoGenetix. "As we continue our efforts to deliver the RESOLUTION System for rapid pathogen strain typing, we also are gaining excellent market traction in the key public health and food industry sectors.”

The company announced collaborations with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) in September, and is currently conducting a series of customer evaluations with leading food safety testing labs. In June, the company signed an agreement with Applied Maths, NV, to link the RESOLUTION System with the BioNumerics software suite currently in use in thousands of public and private research sites and laboratories around the world.

The company announced collaborations with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in April and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) in September, and is currently conducting a series of customer evaluations with leading food safety testing labs. In June, the company signed an agreement with Applied Maths, NV, to link the RESOLUTION System with the BioNumerics software suite currently in use in thousands of public and private research sites and laboratories around the world.