Wednesday, June 1, 2016

You know PathoGenetix Delivers Bacterial Identification System to MRIGlobal for Evaluation

PathoGenetix™, Inc., developer of an automated system for rapid bacterial strain typing, announced today that it has delivered and installed an early commercial version of the RESOLUTION™ Microbial Genotyping System to MRIGlobal, an independent contract research organization. MRIGlobal has purchased the RESOLUTION System as part of a U.S. government-funded project, and will be evaluating use of the System for identification and strain typing of specific organisms using MRI-developed assays.

The RESOLUTION System is based on PathoGenetix’s proprietary Genome Sequence Scanning™ (GSS™) technology, which enables pathogen serotype identification and strain typing in just five hours, directly from complex mixtures such as environmental, clinical and enriched food samples. Initially developed to detect bio-threat pathogens in environmental samples under a five-year, $50-million contract through the Department of Homeland Security, the breakthrough GSS technology isolates and analyzes DNA direct from complex mixtures—without the need for a pure culture isolate. The strain type information provided by GSS is comparable in resolution to pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), one of the current gold standards for pathogen identification.

MRIGlobal and PathoGenetix have collaborated for several years in the ongoing evaluation of the GSS technology for biodefense applications. MRIGlobal has purchased a RESOLUTION System as part of a U.S. government-funded project, and will be evaluating the system for use in the rapid identification of specific organisms, using MRIGlobal-developed assays. The RESOLUTION instrument will be used to build a database for identification of select microorganisms. As one of the nation’s leading research institutes, MRIGlobal conducts programs in the areas of national security and defense, life sciences, energy and the environment, agriculture and food safety, and engineering and infrastructure.